NVM Summer Supercharge
Exclusively for NVM Certified Teachers & Coaches
Some time ago, you saw a class that promised to show voice pros how to coach for popular styles through a neuroscience lens, and you said, "I'm in"!
Love that about you. ❤️
That was a while ago.
Since then
you've missed a ton!
This summer you'll have a chance to catch up to the other NVM voice pros who have taken the most recent class.
You'll get:
New material that's exciting and empowering
Brain science in the studio
What's up for popular styles (and contemporary MT)
Coaching techniques to make your job easier and their success faster
Updated content
New versions of your NVM support materials
Things your class couldn't offer!
Scripts & Crib Sheets for all 6 NVM principles
An option to get half-price private coaching
A chance to hang out with all the best people!
An optional extra! This opportunity is for peeps who want more!
More pop-coaching-brain-goodness! Two more meetings on consecutive Fridays.
More empowering tools! Each week we'll learn a new a new super-tool for coaching.
More confidence! Real-time practice with accolades & feedback!
More effective coaching! Shift the work from your brain to theirs!
You're going to love this!
If you're thinking of doing some professional development this summer, don't miss this opportunity to spend a day with exciting new material and all the best people! (Cuz...NVM coaches.)
It's one day, it's a great deal, and you know it will be good!
You'll walk away from this with new excitement for your teaching studio!
You'll look forward to messing with your clients brains, guiding them to those (oh-so fulfilling) breakthroughs, and relaxing into the knowledge that when their brains do the work, everybody wins!
Here's what we'll cover:
Want the Schedule?
The Predictive Brain: How it works to makes learning faster & more effective
Making the job (our & theirs) easier
Hunn, Hunn-ee, and Organic Change: Why slow is fast
Nasty Triangle & Cartoon Mouse: A seamless intersection for an expressive voice
Click Here for the PDF Download
The Deets:
Open only to NVM certified coaches
Meeting virtually on Friday, July 12
Save 25% with Early Bird price through June 15
or two payments of $175
from June 16 forward
or two payments of $238